Calling all Farmers!

First off, a tip of the Stetson from one farmer to another. Thank you for working so hard to feed America. Here at Moink we know first hand just how hard is to make a go of farming, and we’re trying to fix that. At this moment our major need is for lamb growers, preferably located in the Midwest as that is where our processing and shipping facility is.

However, no matter what you grow, if you’re interested in teaming up with us, please send us your info so we can be in touch as our demand grows.

Our beef and lamb is grass fed/ grass finished and we utilize herd grazing methods. Our hogs are what us farmers would call dirt hogs (raised outside) and the same with the chickens. We feed NON-GMO grains and we also do rotational farming methods for our pork and chickens. We follow step 4 GAP cert guidelines. We do not require our farmers to be certified organic but take a biodynamic approach to farming. What’s good for the animal and the land together is our driving factor, which is how we are able to raise the animals without antibiotics, growth hormones or pesticides on our fields. It’s a lot of work but at the end of the day we find this is more sustainable for our land.

Here at Moink our farmers are like family and we look forward to welcoming you to our table.

Please email us at, with the following information, and we’ll be in touch.

  • Name
  • Email
  • Farm Location
  • What do you currently raise
  • Tell us more about you (acres, challenges you face, how long you’ve been farming)


Ready to join the Moink Moovement and help us fight for the family farm?

You can do that here!

See our boxes


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  • When I first heard of your story and business I was thinking I would have a lot of respect. But, the more I read, I realize you are just promoting your products by playing on hype. You are promote family farms as the best way, but obviously only if it is family farms your way. Reading your site, farmer bios, it seem like you can only promote your product buy running down someone else’s product. Big bad confinements, gmo, antibiotics, implants. Seems like when someone has problems and can’t make it, they have to blame someone else. Yes, the big packing plants are a problem, so are government policies, but that doesn’t mean other farmers should be thrown under the bus to promote your products. I understand you are proud of your stuff, but so am I, and many others I know that farm what is apparently the “evil” way. I am a family farm. My family of 4 run 100 head of beef cows on rotional grazed pastures, I even rotate a portion of my tillable acres into pasture mixes and graze for a couple years at a time. We raise baby holsteins in groups of 100. We take these from bottle to finish, feeding about 300 per year and growing. All of our steers are corn fed and in confinement. Thay are all vacinated. If antibiotics are needed the ones needing it recieve it, and most recieve implants. They are are kept healthy, clean and not overcrowded. We also raise a handfull of hogs on a dirt lot, but they are also fed some of our grain, which is gmo. And yes, My family is making a profit. But, according to your site, this is not the right way. You promote family farms, just not my family or type of family farm. My family sells an average of 10 fat steers per year off the farm to locals for their freezer. Many have asked about implants, antibiotics, gmo. I answer the questions best I can and give them places to look at the science and they can make their own choice. I can do that without bad mouthing that stuff. I have only had a couple people over the years that have not bought. Some want non implanted so I do keep a pen of non implant cattle for customers that prefer that. When most people come out and see the cattle for themselves and actually learn what is being done they are happy with their corn fed, confined cattle. They just get a lot of mis-information and fear mongering played off of hype. Not everyone that doesnt farm the way you think is best is a bad farmer, mis-treats the land and animals and losing money. There definitely are bad apples out there, from all walks of life, but most farmers I know actually care for the animals and land and just want to do the best job with the resources they have.

    • To the MN Farmer,
      Thank you for your comments and opinion. Have you noticed the rapid development of our youngladies some of which is due to the hormones that are being distributed into the blood stream through the eating of hormones that are injected in the meat so they grow faster(look up the meaning of hormones). My question to you is have you done any research on the issues that gmo’s cause to animals through the testing of gmos? Gmos can cause cancer in animals. This is science! I would much rather ingest meat that does not have gmos, injected with hormones, antibiotics and are not raised on grasses sprayed with pesticides. I whole hartedly disagree with your opinion as Moink has provided another way to farm using those farmers and farms who have the same beliefs as to how and what we consume should be be free from as many additives as possible. Even though I disagree I defend your right to say what you have said. PM from CO

      • Hmm. I respect your opinion but d absolutelyisagr with it. It’s only humane to care about your animals. Anibiotics are good for cows, they keep herds safe. Why in the world would anyone disagree with this concept? Is it bc you do not want antibiotics in your food? I can understand and respect this notion but to be fair most humans have been vaccinated and/or have had some antibiotics by the time they are old enough to eat beef. If it were my family’s livestock on the line I would want to keep them safe and healthy. We get day old chicks for our flocks and prefer that they are healthy even though we know that sometimes suppliers will treat with antibiotics. Beef or chicken, it’s still the same concept: raise for production and take it to market. Moinkbox seems to have a sound plan on helping farmers get their products to market.

  • Hello, my name is Matt Meyer and I farm in Manito, Illinois (central Illinois). My email is:

    I am a 5th generation farmer and have farmed for 45 years. Currently, I farm with my youngest son, Chance, who is 26. We farm 4000 acres of corn and soybeans mostly, but I have raised Charolais cattle, hogs, and sheep in the past (over 20 years ago).

    My concern with sheep would be a coyote threat. Please feel free to contact me at: 309.657.9099

  • I read all the posts below on this page as well as the Moink story. I was raised on a farm and ranch in Texas where we raised chickens, hogs, cattle, sheep and goats as well as growing mostly corn. I was very young so I’m sure I don’t remember everything that went into the process before it all stopped after my grandfather died. Living just north of Austin now I regularly shop at the farm and ranch markets on weekends. I would love to be able to support them more and even buy from Moink, but the difficulty is the extreme cost per pound. I simply can’t afford $15-18 per pound for meat. It’s just my wife and I now at home, but we have 4 grown children and 19 grandchildren that we like to spend our money on visiting and spoiling them as best we are able. Two of my sons and I are currently talking about finding about 50-100 acres to start our own family compound and I’m hoping to be able to start raising some of our own food. I remember as a young kid helping on our family farm and I know it’s not easy work, but I am looking forward to making it work. In the current high inflation market I have heard of how much farmers are paying for the food they need to feed their stock if they aren’t able to grow their own feed. I will be finding out first hand soon hopefully. My reason for writing this is to express my concern for the costs that people of few means face in feeding their families good nutritious protein. It just seems there should be some middle ground that makes raising, marketing and distributing this type of food more affordable. That to me is the real problem searching for a viable solution. I understand both sides of the arguments presented. Having eaten grass fed and finished beef I know there is a difference in flavor and I prefer the concept of “clean” eating also. I’m hoping we all just keep working toward a solution that helps get this higher quality protein to more people in a more affordable fashion.