Lattice pie crust

Here’s how to make a lattice pie crust, perfect for all those fruit pies!

Try it with our Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie.

Pie crust

1. Cut the pie crust into even strips. Arrange one-layer strips over the pie filling leaving about an inch of space in between each one and allowing some dough to extend over the edges of the pie. Rotate the pie 90° and repeat with another layer of strips.

2. Lift the strips gently and weave over and under to create a basket weave pattern.

3. Trim the excess dough edges with a sharp knife.

pie crust seal

4. Fold the ends of the dough under and crimp the edges to seal.

pie crust wash

5. Brush the lattice with egg wash.

pie crust final

6. Sprinkle with coarse sugar.

And that’s it!


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